ifoodbag Are Experts In Temperature Controlled Logistics Using Only Passive Cooling
Our system is environmentally sustainable, cost efficient and gives our customers added values and flexibility. We see our solutions as revolutionary for the retail trade in general and for the online grocery players in particular, where the temperature-controlled logistical challenges are the biggest issues to solve
– the final mile challenge.
that is reusable, recyclable and sustainable.
The ifoodbag system ensures that the cold chain stays intact
– using passive cooling only.
We are passionate about being an environmentally sustainable final mile solution provider.
We always add value and flexibility for our customers and help them create new opportunities.
We have developed a 100% paper thermal bag – the ifoodbag®. This plastic-free paper bag consists of two moisture protection barriers and an insulating thermo-protecting middle layer. It outperforms all plastic thermal bags available in stores today.
We have developed a unique, stackable EPP-box – the alvobox®. The high R-value for the EPP-material together with the logistical benefits that we have built in, makes this box unique and one of a kind. Its waist – “alvo” in Latin – makes it stackable inside each other when emptied. A simple but revolutionary feature.

ifoodbag is an early-stage startup company with the mission to set a new standard for cold chain last mile deliveries. The company was founded in 2013 and is currently owned by several private investors. Other financing includes innovation loans from Almi Företagspartner and a substantial contribution from the European Commission within the EASME Horizon 2020 program.
MAY 2021
ifoodbag introduces two Click & Collect concepts using passive cooling only. The retailer can prepare online orders in-store well in time or install lockers equipped with the cost efficient and hassle-free alvobox®.
The concept Unattended home deliveries of groceries is launched. The combination of alvobox®, ifoodbag® and the optimal type and quantity of passive cooling, creates new business opportunities and builds end customer’s loyalty.
A second size of alvobox® is added, 52L, with the same strong features as its larger sibling. It’s lightweight and easy to pack and handle. The size and shape makes it ideal for flexible final mile deliveries of temperature sensitive goods.
JULY 2020
Bengt Baron is appointed Chairman of the Board.
alvobox® 151L is introduced. An innovative, durable and logistically optimized EPP cold box that completes ifoodbag’s passive cold chain system solution with materials that are reusable, recyclable and sustainable.
The second generation of ifoodbag® is successfully developed and prototypes produced.
JULY 2017
Robert Grenmark is appointed CEO after the founder left the company. Based on customer feedback, an extensive R&D-period begins.
APRIL 2016
ifoodbag signs its first distribution contract outside Europe with Equator One Logistics Ltd in Nairobi, Kenya.
ifoodbag receives a European Commission’s Horizon 2020 grant for 1,7M €.
Mat.se becomes ifoodbag’s first customer for their launch of Volvo In-car Delivery service.
The first generation of ifoodbag® was launched.
MAY 2014
The first in a series of patent applications is filed.
JUNE 2013
ifoodbag AB is founded in Stockholm, Sweden after the founder developed early prototypes in an attempt to solve the complexity of cold last mile deliveries.
Every member of our team is determined to improve the world through packaging technology and are more than glad to tell you how it is done. You can contact any one of us through phone or by emailing our forename.surname@ifoodbag.se. You can also write to us by using the contact form below.
Operations committee
One of our strong beliefs is that close partnerships and wide networks contributes to a successful business. That is why we have built a powerful strategical operations committee with a solid base of experience to guide us on our way to improve the world through packaging technology.
Our trademarks are protected internationally and our innovative bags, boxes and solutions are covered by patents or patent pending.

Our solutions are patent pending
ifoodbag has several patents pending. In Europe, Australia, and China we have registered patents. They address the method of packing and transporting food and other temperature-sensitive goods ordered online, from the warehouse or store to the end consumer, using only passive cooling. By purchasing our products our customers get the opportunity to implement an environmentally friendly and flexible system with a secured cold chain.
PF02 A Grocery Transport Packaging System. PCT/SE/2015/000026. WO2015/171036.
PF04 A Grocery Transport Packaging System. PCT/SE2016/050410.WO2016/182493.
PF05 A Grocery Transport Packaging System. PCT/SE2016/000064. WO2017/078587.
PF08 A Transport Packaging System. PCT/SE2020/000017. WO2020/263150.
PF09 A Transport Packaging System. PCT/SE2020/000016. WO2020/263149.

Our trademarks are protected internationally under the Madrid Protocol (ratified by many countries around the world including most European countries, the USA, Japan, Australia, China and Russia.) Our registered trademarks is marked with the symbol ® while unregistered trademarks can instead be marked with the symbol ™
ifoodbag 1289162
IBAG 1303092
ilogisticbag 14734545
ipharmabag 14734529
alvobox 18141254

FSC- and ISO-certified
The ifoodbag® and the ipharmabag® pouches are FSC-certified. This means they are made of materials from FSC-certified forests, recycling and/or controlled sources and is following FSC-defined best practice throughout the production process and supply chain.
Our suppliers are also ISO-certified, ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015
Our suppliers have implemented a FSC product groups control system according to the Fores Sterwardship Council certification system for its activities concerning:
The purchase, receipt, manufacture, sales and distribution of FSC certified paper products.
The companies have been assessed and found to conform the requirements of the FSC Chain of Custody Certifcation standard, Ref.:FSC-STD-40-004 V2-1.
Our suppliers for ifoodbag®, ipharmabag® and alvobox® are certified under the Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015 and the Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2015.

We are looking forward to get in contact with you.

* Required fields. By clicking on “Send” I agree that ifoodbag AB may store my personal information to be able to handle my question and get back to me according to their Privacy Policy.
I can at any time contact ifoodbag AB and ask them to delete my personal information from their registers.

Want to know more?
Contact us or check out our frequently asked questions.
The ifoodbag® system keeps the cold chain intact. The ifoodbag® is a recyclable paper thermal bag that combines minimal condensation with thermo-protection capabilities. The alvobox® is a durable, stackable and recyclable thermal box. They can be used separately or combined in a passive cooling system. The performance can be enhanced by using an optimized amount of cooling elements such as chilling shields or gelpacks.
There are several factors that affect how long the goods will stay cold.
Our experts will analyze your case and suggest how you can optimize the setup by using a combination of bags, boxes and passive cooling elements to meet end-temperature requirements in the most cost-effective way.
Several factors will have an effect on the temperature development:
• Load factor
• Starting temperature
• Ambient temperature
• Number of hours in transit
• Using a regular bag or ifoodbag®
• Using a regular logistical box or alvobox®
• Using passive cooling elements
Every business is different, but we have plenty of cases where we have helped customers solve their last mile delivery challenges. Improvement areas we have been a part of include:
•Increased flexibility
• Scalability
• Storage efficiency
• Third party logistic set up
• Unbroken cold chain
• Unattended home deliveries
Yes, you can. However, over time the frozen products in contact with chilled products will have a freezing effect.
Yes! The bag is made from paper and can be recycled as paper packaging.
The ifoodbag® protects both hot and cold products. With hot or warm food there are, however, some condensation factors to take into account.
Yes, thay can. Many times. Exactly how many will depend on the system set-up.
Sort and recycle ifoodbag according to your national policy. In Sweden, for example, the ifoodbag® should be recycled as paper packaging (“Pappersförpackningar”) and alvobox® as rigid plastic.
The ifoodbag® /ipharmabag® comes in six standard sizes and alvobox® in two standard sizes. More size options can be offered for larger orders.
Yes, for larger orders you can have a customized print or logo on the ifoodbag® or alvobox®.
Yes, you can. The alvobox® is completely dense. For ifoodbag® we recommend using an absorbing pad in the bottom of the bag to absorb the melt water. This keeps the cooling energy in the bag and all goods away from water. It is an excellent solution for transporting fish and seafood.
We always start with a meeting where we go through your logistical set-up and discuss the problem you are trying to solve. Thereafter we present possible solutions.