Frysmat: En Smidig och Hållbar Lösning för Din Vardag


Frysmat har länge varit en populär lösning för att underlätta vardagen och minska matsvinnet. Med moderna tekniker och innovativa förpackningar har frysmat utvecklats till att vara både mer hållbart och praktiskt. Oavsett om du är en upptagen familj, en student eller en person som vill planera måltider effektivt, erbjuder frysmat ett bekvämt och ekonomiskt alternativ. […]

Ifoodbag® ställer ut på Kistamässan 20-21 april

Vi ses på Retail TECH, e-Commerce Expo och Mark Tech Expo, Kistamässan, Stockholm den 20-21 april 2022. Nordens främsta mötesplats, konferens och mässa för framtidens handel, e-handel och marknadsföring. Ifoodbag har utvecklat en revolutionerande systemlösning för transport av kylda och frysta varor. ifoodbag®-systemet består av termokassar i papper, termolådor i EPP och olika kylelement. Tillsammans […]

Flexibla ”Hämta-skåp” – Skåp Pickup

collect lockers - Skåp Pickup

ifoodbag has spotted a need in the market for chilled Click & Collect lockers. Food retail stores wishes to offer consumers to conveniently pick up their online purchases, ready-packed outside of the store. Existing refrigerated alternatives are seen as very expensive and requires maintenance. They also need to be pre-configured for ambient, chilled, or frozen […]

ICA Stabby Prime – leverans medan du sover


In Uppsala, creative retailer Tore Jonsson at ICA Nära Stabby has launched a brand-new delivery concept. A subscription service called Prime, together with ifoodbag. Customers are struggling with matching the delivery windows with their busy afternoon and evening schedules. ICA Stabby are now offering a genius solution for this. Deliveries are made while the customer […]

ICA Boxholm – allt i en box

Thermal box

ICA Nära in Boxholm in Östergötland started online sales early. They are part of the ICA platform and have seen an enormous increase in online sales last year, both from regular customers as well as new ones in the nearby areas. Karl-Johan Drufva and his team have now started to further expand the sales using […]

Bengt Baron introducerar rådgivande kommitté


Bengt Baron, Chairman of the Board Under the lead of ifoodbag’s new Chairman, Bengt Baron – ifoodbag AB has formed a senior advisory board or “Operations Committee” as we call it. In addition to the formal Board, three highly experienced persons will further strengthen our engaged team. Bengt Baron’s assignments include Chairman of Thule Group […]

Stöd från EUs Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme


This project is funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union under the Grant Agreement No. 718922: In 2016 to 2018 ifoodbag received financial support from EU which helped us improve and develop the ifoodbag and a supporting system for the final mile challenges. The project was called “Unique, low-cost, low-footprint, reusable […]